Our Expertise

MPSRPO specialize in payroll services work with their clients to ensure that employees are paid on time and that all of an employer’s legal obligations are met. 

providing electronic payroll records to employees and employers

After tax deductions are just as they seem. They are deductions that are taken out after taxes have been taken out of an employee’s payroll. 

We use passive sourcing technologies to source through Google, CraigsList, Yahoo etc.

At MPS RPO, we have evolved to meet the growing market for temporary and temp-to-hire staffing.

Payroll Services​

MPSRPO specialize in payroll services work with their clients to ensure that employees are paid on time and that all of an employer’s legal obligations are met. Because they focus only on payroll and human resources tasks, these companies take the worry out of payroll processes. That allows business leaders to focus on important enterprise tasks instead of worrying about how and when individual employees will be paid.

  • monitoring employee time and attendance
  • setting up and making adjustments to direct deposit accounts
  • calculating payroll taxes and ensuring the correct deductions
  • proactively monitoring the relationship between workers’ comp premiums and actual payroll
  • integrating third-party 401(k) and benefits plans
  • providing electronic payroll records to employees and employers
  • ensuring compliance with all state and federal laws governing payroll.

Payroll Component

Each employee views their individual payroll on either a physical check stub or via an online portal. When viewing this stub, there are different components that are separate from one another yet all tie together to complete the transaction

Gross Pay

In payroll, the gross pay is “The big number” on an employee’s paycheck. Gross pay, also known as gross income, is the total payment that an employee earns before any deductions or taxes are taken out

Gross pay for salaried employees is an amount that is set every payroll, unless there are bonuses or other pay involved.


After tax deductions are just as they seem. They are deductions that are taken out after taxes have been taken out of an employee’s payroll. Unlike pre-taxed deductions, after tax deductions do not reduce the amount of taxable income for an employee. Like pretax deductions, there are numerous forms of after tax deductions that can be taken out of an employee’s check each payroll.

Payroll taxes

Taxes are one of the most complicated and sensitive aspects of payroll. Various levels of government require employers to withhold various types of income and payroll taxes as well as require the employer to pay their portion of these taxes as well.

Finding the Talent / Permanent Placement

  • We adjust our sourcing procedures to meet your specific needs
  • We source from our own extensive database, as well as our 3rd party network
  • We specialize in social media sourcing through LinkedIn and various niche sites
  • We source from major job boards like Dice, Monster and Career Builder
  • We source communities such as trade associations and universities
  • We also source from 100+ niche boards
  • We use passive sourcing technologies to source through Google, CraigsList, Yahoo etc.

Permanent Placements

The most important asset of a successful company is its Talent. As a partner in building your organization, MPSRPO recognizes the importance of finding and recruiting the best of the best. Our skilled sourcers and recruiters are trained to find top talent for you. From our established database and third-party vendor list, to our latest and greatest passive sourcing technologies, we can find the best. A critical part in finding and recruiting the best is your involvement in the process. We provide you with comprehensive reports so that you can see where we are having success, and where we are struggling. Your direction helps us to better refine our searches, and to best maximize the hireablity of your requirements. Together we are the most effective.

Staffing / Fuctional Verticals

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At MPS RPO, we have evolved to meet the growing market for temporary and temp-to-hire staffing. With flexibility and openness which is fast becoming the chief ingredient of corporate work culture and the changing career expectations of a work force who search for challenges, freedom to explore and flexibility, we are here to guide the opportunities from short term assignments, replace leave vacancies to leasing of temporary staff to fulfill specialized requirement.Temp staffing provides a flexible, cost effective, win-win solution. You can get to know potential employees on a trial basis, and then make a hiring decision


Industry Verticals

Our industry specialists understand the particular requirement of an industry, and also keep in pace with the changing trends. This helps in giving a competitive edge to our clients so that they can transform their organization in accordance to the changing needs of the corporate world

Our most popular verticals are:

  • Information Technology
  • Engineering
  • Telecom

monitoring employee time and attendance

Each employee views their individual payroll on either a physical check stub or via an online portal. When viewing this stub, there are different components that are separate from one another yet all tie together to complete the transaction.

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